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Coordination Center’s youth areas of work presented at RANS forum

On October 16-17, Moscow hosted the 19th Conference on the Current Situation and Development Prospects of ICT Infrastructure, organized by the Russian Association of Networks and Services (RANS) public organization. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ served as its partner, and the center’s experts took part in the business program.

Participants in the meeting The Digital Economy’s Information Culture discussed proposals on improving the training process of young specialists working in the area of digital transformation. The center’s social project manager, Viktoria Bunchuk, was among the speakers; she talked about the center’s initiatives on working with young people.

Viktoria Bunchuk presented the Coordination Center Youth Council established in 2017, and described its development plans and opportunities for involving the council in the training process at the research commissions of the International Telecommunication Union. In addition, she mentioned issues related to developing and introducing the standard Russian module on internet technologies to the educational process. The module was created by the Telecommunications Network Competence Center with the support of the Coordination Center. This project will help train young specialists for the Russian telecommunications sector. Her report also covered the Coordination Center’s new project: designing a standard Russian information security module.

“To answer the question of why we implement educational projects for children and teenagers, I’ll say that this is our contribution to improving users’ digital skills and closing the digital divide in society. It is important that young people understand their life as part of information society and do not use digital technologies for leisure but for personal development and self-improvement,” Viktoria Bunchuk says. “And in practice, these projects help us train new IT specialists.”

The participants in the meeting also learned about forums on information culture, contests, competitions, national digital tests and special events to mark the 25th anniversary of .RU and Runet which the Coordination Center has held and plans to hold in 2019.

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