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CCTLD for TLD .RU/.РФ signs cooperation agreement with Pyatigorsk State University

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and Pyatigorsk State University have signed a long-term cooperation agreement that focuses on:

  • organizing joint scientific events on the safe use of IT in education;
  • developing and carrying out study programs aimed at improving users’ digital literacy;
  • organizing educational events to mark the 10th anniversary of the national Cyrillic domain, .РФ, that will be celebrated in 2020;
  • developing an interactive project for school students, Explore the Internet – Govern It!, and cooperation under the Universal Acceptance international initiative to raise the awareness, identify and resolve issues related to universal acceptance of all valid domain names and email addresses.

The agreement will be performed by the Institute of Distance Learning, Information and Communication Technology and the Department of Information and Communication Technology, Mathematics and Information Security at Pyatigorsk State University.

In 2020, the parties plan on organizing a special section at the Social, Technical and Humanitarian Aspects of Information Security national conference, as well as organizing a conference marking 10 years of the national Cyrillic domain, .РФ. There will also be a series of hackathons for programming students in support of the Universal Acceptance initiative, and the Language of Digital Society first national research contest.

It should be noted that the agreement was signed at the 80th anniversary of Pyatigorsk State University on October 11. Today the university is a creative and innovative educational institution that offers studies in such fields as linguistics, management, economics, computer science, international relations and journalism.

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