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Universal Acceptance is today’s demand

On October 16, the 27th ClubCOM conference took place in Moscow. Focused on transforming digital development into additional income, it was organized by the Moscow Club of Operators, КлубКОМ.рф. The conference is held for top managers and owners of independent landline operators and content providers. Maria Kolesnikova, head of the UA Regional Coordination Group for CIS and Eastern Europe, presented her report on “Cyrillic emails in .РФ: Myth or Reality,” where she spoke about the progress in UA implementation in software and apps.

Maria Kolesnikova noted that over the last ten years the domain space had changed almost beyond recognition. As of 2019, it includes over 1,200 gTLDs and just under 300 ccTLDs. Now a TLD can contain more than two or three characters and include national alphabets while the list of TLDs is no longer static: domains can be added and removed from it.

Another issue is support for Email Address Internationalization (EAI). Few email and hosting providers, even among the largest, support EAI, and it is necessary to promote cooperation with them at various levels, including at the level of end-users.

“App developers should remember that Universal Acceptance is a demand today, and if an app does not support IDN domains or EAI, it must be updated according to the existing RFC,” Maria Kolesnikova said.

In her report, she also touched upon UASG’s work. The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) is a global working group on Universal Acceptance. In particular, internet users can file a report with the UASG Global Support Center if they find apps that do not support domains and emails in national languages.

The decision to establish the Regional Coordination Group on Universal Acceptance for CIS and Eastern Europe was made on April 7, 2019, on .RU’s anniversary. The group deals with the problem of implementing the Universal Acceptance of new and internationalized domain names (IDN) as well as EAI in the region.

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