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Anti-phishing self-regulation proves effective

On October 29 in the Deworkacy business space, accredited registrars had a working meeting with competent organizations that are cooperating with the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. The participants at the event summarized the results of their collaboration in 2019 and discussed their future plans.

Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev opened the meeting by saying that the horizontal cooperation between the registrars and competent organizations is an excellent example of self-regulation. “The measures taken over the past few years against phishing are, by and large, owing to the close cooperation between our registrars and competent organizations. The anti-phishing campaign continues at all times, pushed forward by the Bank of Russia, one of our competent organizations. Self-regulation in this field has proven greatly effective so we will continue to work further,” said Andrey Vorobyev.

CCTLD Special Projects Manager Yevgeny Pankov reported on the work with the competent organizations during the first nine months of 2019. Yevgeny Pankov confirmed that phishing is currently one of the main threats. As was the case last year, phishing websites accounted for the largest number of violations detected by the competent organizations – specifically, 4,312 or 73 percent of all the malicious websites. In total, the competent organizations reported 5,908 websites to the registrars, which resulted in 5,543 websites being undelegated.

The main focus of the meeting, however, was the information system developed in 2018 by the Coordination Center to automate interaction between the competent organizations and the registrars. The participants discussed the system’s functionality and user-friendliness while CCTLD reps offered tips on using the system and commented on the system development plans in 2020. CCTLD Project Manager Olga Baskakova spoke about improving the system’s interface based on user feedback and noted that API was in the center of attention right now.

Head of the Department for Registrar and User Relations Georgy Georgiyevsky spoke about developing cooperation between the accredited registrars and the competent organizations in 2020. The immediate plans include upgrading the information system, drafting a new memorandum of cooperation in cyber security, and engaging all the Russian TLD registries into the signing of the memorandum. The previous Memorandum of Cooperation in Cyber Security of November 29, 2018, was signed by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID), the registry of TLDs .MOSCOW and .МОСКВА. In March 2019, they were joined by the Foundation for Internet Development (.SU registry). The memorandum is being currently updated in view of the law on sovereign Runet that is coming into effect on November 1, 2019.

2019 is an anniversary year for Runet. CCTLD congratulated its partners on the .RU domain’s 25th anniversary. Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev presented the participants with the commemorative framed postage stamp marking the 25th anniversary of the .RU national domain. The postage stamp was issued in April 2019 and canceled during a ceremony at the 10th Russian Internet Governance Forum.

The practice of cooperating with the organizations authorized to detect violations on the internet was introduced by the Coordination Center in 2012. Competent organizations provide CCTLD and accredited domain name registrars with information on websites containing illegal content, as well as report phishing, unauthorized access to information systems and spreading malware from the domain names within .РФ and .RU. The registrars are allowed to terminate domain name delegation of such websites. As of now, CCTLD works with ten competent organizations that include the Central Bank of Russia, BI.Zone, Group-IB, Dr. Web, Kaspersky Lab, Safe Internet League, National Computer Incident Coordination Center, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), Regional Public Center of Internet Technology (ROCIT) and RU-CERT.

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