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New questions for Explore the Internet & Govern It!

Each summer, a group of writers, developers and managers from the Explore the Internet & Govern It! Project reviews the questions posed in the internet quiz in order to replace outdated information with new facts from the digital world. Another review has taken place recently and a new section has been added to the quiz. The order of some of the questions has also been changed.

At each stage of the quiz, participants will answer questions from the new section, Digital Literacy Test, named after a national literacy event, which was held in May 2019 with the support of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. Explore the Internet & Govern It! competitors will answer the 40 most interesting questions from the test. In this way, the quiz will also check the participants’ cyber literacy: they will share their knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the net, how to protect their personal data and how to use various online resources most effectively.

Some 40,000 people from Russia and several CIS countries took part in the Digital Literacy Test: about 30,000 adults and 10,000 teenagers aged 14−17. The average level of digital literacy was 7.15 points out of 10. Questions related to cybersecurity proved the most difficult (scoring 6.7 points on average) with only 37 percent of users showing a high level of skill in this area. Questions related to digital devices, software and online services from the Digital Consumption section seemed to be the easiest (7.81 points).

Questions about the Russian internet were moved from the MAIN section of the quiz to the 25.RU section. Now, any duplicate questions have been replaced with new ones about computer games, internet holidays, AI, famous IT companies and others.

In short, take a look at the quiz to learn which computer game is named by combining two words: tetromino (a geometric shape composed of four segments) and tennis (the developer’s favorite sport).

Explore the Internet and Govern It! is a social and educational project for school students developed by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. The project includes an educational module with a training mobile app and an online quiz, as well as the annual national online championship for school students, where anyone can compete for the champion’s title and a valuable prize.

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