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CTF Summer School in Zvenigorod

On August 2−11, Zvenigorod (near Moscow) hosted the “CTF development in Russia” Summer School that was organized by the Association of Chief Information Security Officers (ACISO). The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ was the school’s partner. Students studying online security and senior high school students that want to work in information security took part in the school’s contests. In all, 70 newcomers and professionals took part.

Every day, information security directors and analysts as well as experts on cyber security held lectures and workshops for the school’s students. Olga Baskakova, head of the Coordination Center’s projects, talked about global trends in ensuring domain security in top-level national domains.

“National domain registrars are concerned with enhancing the reputation of their zones and increasing user trust in resources using domain names in national zones. Speaking about ‘domain security,’ we mean ‘secure content.’ The Coordination Center’s Netoscope project and interaction with competent authorities meet current global trends,” she said.

The Coordination Center also prepared an assignment for the students based on the game Explore the Internet & Govern It.

On August 6, students took part in a quiz devoted to the .RU domain’s 25th anniversary. The questions were on major events, well-known individuals and simply interesting facts from Runet history. Online tournaments on internet security and the internet of things were held on the Explore the Internet & Govern It website on August 7−10.

At the end, the winners of the contests were presented with books by Jovan Kurbalija An Introduction to Internet Governance. In 2018 the Coordination Center published the translation of the seventh edition of the book for Russian readers. For the first time the Coordination Center published Kurbalija’s book in 2010. This book provided Russian users with the first reference material on governing the internet by explaining the structure of the web and the principles of running it. The author of the book is a world-renown expert on internet governance.

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