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10th Russian Domain Space report published

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ has published its latest annual report, Russian Domain Space 2018: Results and Prospects. This year, the report marks its 10th anniversary. It features the most important and interesting events of the Russian and global domain industry in 2018 and provides detailed information about the development of the domain market.

The main trend of 2018 is stagnation, which was observed in the largest top-level national domains during the year. It became obvious that users and domain investors switched their focus from national domains to new TLDs. The sales of domain names in new gTLDs are more often included in the sales rankings on the aftermarket, which draws the attention of domain industry professionals. This year will show if this trend is crucial for the development of the global domain space.

At the same time, the Russian national domains .RU and .РФ managed to retain their positions in the global rankings of national domains. 5,017,822 domain names were registered in.RU in 2018. .RU ranks fifth among ccTLDs and ninth among all top-level domains. The domain .РФ also retained its position as the largest Cyrillic domain among national top-level domains, and ranks 19th among all European national domains; as of the end of 2018, there were 791,902 domain names.

The report also covers data on Russian and foreign new gTLDs, as well as the distribution of domain names in various countries, the registration price for the national TLDs, and other information. Readers will be able to review many charts and diagrams that explain the current standing of Russian and foreign domains, receive detailed information about the work of Russian accredited registrars and competent organizations, and learn about events planned for 2019.

The report uses data provided by Domains of Russia and Netoscope, as well as foreign sources.

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