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.RU anniversary will promote national domain zones

In late June, members of the Organizing Committee for the .RU anniversary met to discuss new proposals on celebrating the anniversary of the ccTLD.

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and accredited registrars proposed some interesting initiatives. For example, REG.RU Director Alexei Korolyuk proposed organizing a “.RU Territory of Trust” interactive zone at the RIW 2019 exhibition venue, where the Coordination Center together with accredited registrars would describe the advantages of the national domain zone. In addition, a session with the same title would be held at RIW 2019 at the initiative of the Coordination Center. Representatives of accredited registrars, Netoscope participants, competent organizations the Coordination Center has authorized to identify cases of domain abuse, as well as interested government agencies will be invited to speak.

The Coordination Center also plans to establish a special award for contributions to developing .RU, for .RU accredited registrars and their regional partners at another important event, Runet Award 2019, which will be held in Moscow on December 10, 2019.

In addition, the Coordination Center and its partners will develop the research and educational activities to popularize .RU. The Coordination Center and RIPE NCC will carry out research on website response rates in .RU and .РФ. The website dedicated to Runet’s 25th anniversary will also present a Domain Lab with practical advice on domain name registration and use, developed jointly with leading Russian internet companies.

“We continue to celebrate the 25th anniversary of .RU, and to create activities to popularize .RU and the internet with Russians, that are more important than the events held in the spring. This is why we plan to carry out research, hold educational events for users, and create a short reference on domain name registration and use. In addition, we plan to establish closer cooperation with leading regional internet companies – partners of accredited registrars promoting the Russian ccTLDs in Russian regions,” said Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev.

All the proposals were seconded by the Organizing Committee and will be implemented this fall.

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