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Cyber literacy through the game

On June 25, 2019, the 30th Modern Information Technologies in Education International Conference was held in Troitsk. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ was a partnering sponsor. The key theme of the anniversary conference was titled Information Technologies as a Unifying Environment in Training Specialists for the Future. The conference was attended by experts from Russia and neighboring countries that teach, develop or use IT in education, as well as by students and parents.

The program included expert speeches about the jobs of the future, the psychology of schoolchildren of the new digital reality, new forms of teacher development; workshops; and a children’s conference called Smart Home by Children.

Head of Social Projects at the Coordination Center, Viktoria Bunchuk, took part in the discussion, Trends in Teaching Informatics, where she spoke about the educational and gaming possibilities of the Explore the Internet & Govern It! project. “One of the main advantages of our project is that it increases the level of cyber literacy among the younger generation through a game. Children play, compete with each other and at the same time learn a lot about the internet and technologies, and they become qualified internet users,” said Bunchuk.

The conference also included an exhibit of companies operating at the interface of education and digital technology. At the Coordination Center’s stand, visitors could take part in a quiz based on the Explore the Internet & Govern It! game and win prizes: various souvenirs made for the anniversary of the national domain .RU, which is being widely celebrated this year.

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