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Coordination Center Council examines results of implementing the CC and partner organizations’ projects

On June 20, another meeting of the Council of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ was held. On the agenda were the results of the implementation of projects launched by the Coordination Center and its partner organizations, including the development of a generic Russian module for studying internet technology, the Digital Region and projects, the 2018 Runet Economy / Russia’s Digital Economy Ecosystem study, and many other issues.

During the meeting, there was a presentation focusing on a generic Russian module for studying internet technology. The module was developed by the Competence Center for the Information and Telecommunication Networks autonomous non-profit organization, with the support of the Coordination Center. The work on this module continued for almost one year. The project will help train new specialist staff for the Russian telecommunications sphere.

The use of Russian software and hardware in the production of this module is the essential part of the project. In the course of its implementation, experts developed a new educational discipline called Internet Technology Basics, and produced and printed the Internet Technology Basics educational and methodological manual and laboratory course, approved by the Council of the Communication Networks and Systems Department at Moscow Technical University Of Communications And Informatics (MTUCI). A domestic solutions-based hardware and software system was also deployed at MTUCI’s Electronic Data Exchange Department. The generic Russian module for studying internet technology has already been tested in classes and prepared for further replication.

The Council members commended the results of this work. At the meeting, they examined and approved the financial and information reports on the second stage of the project as well as the Competence Center’s final report on implementing the project, Developing Generic Russian Module for Studying Internet Technology.

The Council approved the progress made with other projects that the Coordination Center is involved in, and also discussed a range of organizational issues.

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