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Young IT volunteers take Explore the Internet & Govern It! quiz

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ is taking part in the Altai Electronics Week 2019 International Forum, which is underway in the Altai Territory. The Coordination Center’s special project manager, Yevgeny Pankov, spoke at the convention for young IT volunteers held at the school in the village of Konotoshino as part of the forum’s events.

At the session, “Safer Information and Education Environment: Explore the Internet & Govern It!” Pankov talked about the Explore the Internet & Govern It! educational project and the .ДЕТИ domain. He also suggested that the young participants take part in the online quiz based on the Explore the Internet & Govern It! game. The suggestion was met enthusiastically, and the teenagers were able to test their knowledge of the history of the internet and the .RU ccTLD.

The meeting participants were among the first to test the new game module designed especially for the 25th anniversary of the .RU domain marked this year. During Altai Electronics Week, the Altai Territory took the celebratory torch from St. Petersburg to become the second Russian region to host the festivities.

“The meeting of young IT volunteers and the forum are both very productive and heartwarming. People who share our thoughts, who work toward increasing Russians’ digital awareness and providing information security are all here. We have discussed the prospects for development and cooperation and exchanged experience and new ideas with many of them,” Pankov said.

The forum will conclude on June 30, with over 120 participants: school and university students, heads of social and educational projects, and information security experts.

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