The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ has set up a special category, 25RUYEARS, in the DOT Journalism contest for the 25th anniversary of the .RU domain, which will be marked this year and ahead of International Children’s Day on June 1. The winners will be selected both among professionals and beginners.
Professional journalists are invited to participate in a contest in which they will vie for the best material about the .RU domain or the history of the Runet. To participate, journalists should send a link to the organizing committee of any work published in the media from October 1, 2018 to October 1, 2019. They should also fill in an electronic application available at. The author of the best material will get a special prize from the Coordination Center.
A Summer Assignment has been prepared for beginning journalists under the age of 18. Young journalists must design an infographic which highlights records or extraordinary facts from the history of Runet, or a .RU Domain History timeline. The completed work must be sent to the organizing committee by using the feedback form the site or by posting in social networks under the hashtag #25ЛЕТRU_ИНФОГРАФИКА or #25ЛЕТRU_ТАЙМЛАЙН respectively. All the winners will be awarded prizes and presents from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.
See detailed information about the contest.