The week from May 18 to 24 is Digital Test week, that is, the large-scale verification of IT knowledge in Russia. The test was launched throughout Russia on Saturday, May 18, with events at 67 venues in 57 cities. Over 300 people have taken the test in Moscow, where it officially started. It is estimated that over 50,000 people will take the test in Russia.
Those who did not participate in Digital Test in person can go to the цифровойдиктант.рф website or a mobile application to take the test through Friday.
The test consists of 37 questions for different ages and includes several sections. The first is devoted to the ABCs of computer literacy, that is, various devices and knowledge of basic programs. The second section tests knowledge of the internet, social media and mobile applications. The third section is about cybersecurity, including personal data protection.
The Digital Test has proven to be very popular, based on the number of people who came to the opening event in Moscow and the hourly increase in the number of visits on the цифровойдиктант.рф website.
It is too early to sum up the results but the Organizing Committee on anniversary events devoted to the 25th anniversary of the.RU domain, is already considering repeating the event during the second wave of anniversary celebrations in the fall of 2019,” said Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev.