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Coordination Center to support the digital breakthrough

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ will support the Digital Breakthrough contest that is currently underway in over 40 Russian cities. The contest has five stages: registration, online testing, regional hackathon qualifiers, the final hackathon (the largest in Russia), and the pre-accelerator and employment program. The contest is organized by the Russia — Land of Opportunity autonomous non-profit organization, with the Innovation Promotion Fund co-organizing the event.

The top 400 participants will have a chance to win a grant from the Innovation Promotion Fund to develop their projects, with the total grant funding worth 200 million rubles. The 20 teams that make it to the final stage of the contest can win cash prizes from the general fund of 10 million rubles.

The best participants will have a chance to:

  • win an Innovation Promotion Fund grant
  • win cash prizes of 500,000 rubles per team
  • complete the pre-accelerator program and introduce their product to the market
  • launch their own tech business
  • get recruited by leading Russian companies
  • take part in implementing national projects
  • win additional prizes from contest partners

To participate, submit your application via the цифровойпрорыв.рф website.

Registration is open till 11:59 pm on May 12, 2019.

The contest’s hotline: 8-800-775-06-11.

Register, put together a dream team and turn your ideas into prototypes by taking part in the country’s largest hackathon!

Good luck!

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