IP & IT LAW – the nationwide youth competition on Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law – is being held for the fourth time in 2019, organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU / .РФ. The competition is held jointly with the IP CLUB and supported by the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications. The results of the competition have already been announced, and the winners will receive their awards at the Russian Internet Forum (RIF-2019) to be held at a conference venue in the Moscow Region. The awards will be presented by Chair of the Competition Jury, President of the IP CLUB Marina Rozhkova.
The winners of the IP & IT LAW-2019 competition are already known, but the distribution of the awards among them is kept secret until the award ceremony. The winners will be awarded diplomas, prizes and memorabilia from the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, the Coordination Center for .RU / .РФ, IP CLUB, and the competition partners – companies supporting the development of this area of law. Some of the participants who are not among the winners, but, according to the jury, deserving encouragement, will also receive special prizes and souvenirs. The prizes include laptops, tablets, smart watches, certificates for free participation in educational programs, etc.
The works of the winners, as well as those noted by the jury, will be published in the collection “The Law of the Digital Economy” (project “Analysis of Modern Law / IP & Digital Law”).
The IP & IT Law competition has been held since 2016 for students studying internet and information technology law. In 2017 and 2018, the winners of the IP & IT LAW competition received awards from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Also in 2018, the IP & IT LAW competition was awarded the Runet Prize in a special nomination “For contribution to the development of legal thought in a digital society.”
More details about the competition can be found on the official website of the event.