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Social projects for school students and parents

On February 11-12, the fourth National Parents Association conference took place at the Russian Civic Chamber. Informational and methodical materials on parental education were presented to the participants, who also discussed program documents that describe parents’ role in implementing the state family and education policy.

An open meeting of the National Ranking Agency’s Expert Council was an important part of the conference. Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev gave a report, “The role of socially-oriented non-profit organizations in the implementation of the Coordination Center’s social projects aimed to promote .RU/.РФ and to mark Runet’s 25th anniversary.” He spoke in detail about how the Coordination Center together with its partner organizations is creating a safe internet space for children and teenagers and organizing social and educational programs in which thousands of Russian school students take part. He also described the project the Coordination Center carried out together with other well-known non-profit organizations such as the Karusel television channel, the New Technology School and the Social Film Fund. For example, the Coordination Center and the Social Film Fund plan to make a series of films on how the internet helps the underprivileged in the year of the .RU domain’s 25th anniversary.

“The Coordination Center has been working with the National Parents Association for over two and a half years; together we have implemented many social and educational projects. The association channels our initiatives, in the regions above all. And the association’s conference is a good place to tell parents about our activities as well as the useful and interesting things we can offer Russian school students today,” Andrey Vorobyev said.

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