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The Russian Internet is part of the global network

On February 5, the roundtable “International Safer Internet Day: Global Trends and Common Sense” organized by the Russian Association of Electronic Communications, the Regional Public Internet Technology Center, Rossiya Segodnya and the Russian Foreign Ministry took place in Moscow. It was attended by prominent Russian cybersecurity experts.

At the roundtable, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev spoke about the main trends in international cooperation and changing approaches to information security all over the world.

“In the current conditions, most experts believe that self-regulation mechanisms cannot provide the expected result and preserve the internet we are used to," Andrey Vorobyev said. "At the same time, it should be noted that states taking a responsible approach to the tools they use to protect their interests in cyberspace is becoming the main trend in this sphere. Maintaining the stable and sustainable work of the public internet core – the set of infrastructure technologies that includes the system of domain names, IP addresses and international communication channels – is considered the main value. We are glad to see that Russia shares this approach and that now we can speak about the Russian Internet as part of the global network instead of establishing a separate national internet segment.”

The roundtable “International Safer Internet Day: Global Trends and Common Sense” kicked off Safe Runet Week held in Russia for the 12th time, which is an official part of the global events dedicated to International Safer Internet Day, marked on the second day of the second week of the second month (February 5 this year). Safe Runet Week is the main Russian event dedicated to the safe and positive use of digital technology, with events held in Moscow and most Russian regions.

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