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Internet public core’s stable and reliable operation is greatest value

Infoforum 2019, Russia’s largest event in the field of information security, has kicked off in Moscow. It has brought together over 1,500 government and business representatives, technical specialists and experts from all regions of Russia and allied countries.

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ was a partner of the Safe Internet and Global Information Space Security session. The meeting was chaired by Alexei Moshkov, Aide to the Presidential Plenipotentiary to the Central Federal District and Infoforum 2019 Organizing Committee Co-Chairman; and Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center.

Opening the meeting, Alexei Moshkov noted that a trusting environment, which is widely discussed today, is achieved by ensuring security in all areas, including in the information environment. Andrey Vorobyev continued the discussion of the topic. He spoke about the changing approach to information security in Russia and the world.

“Not so long ago, we talked about the possibility and sufficiency of industry self-regulation. Unfortunately, today this approach is already obsolete both in Russia and abroad: we must fight against cyber threats by combining the efforts of the state, businesses, the technical community, and civil society,” said Andrey Vorobyev.

Mikhail Anisimov, Deputy Head of the Coordination Center’s External Communications Department, presented the report, International Cooperation on Information Security. He analyzed the main trends and developments in international cooperation on information security. These trends and processes are most clearly exemplified in the three international documents that were issued in the fall of 2018. These are the December 5 UN resolution on cybersecurity; the initiative that French President Emmanuel Macron presented at the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF 2018) – the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace; and the Norm Package Singapore developed by the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace in November 2018.

“These three documents have much in common – in fact, all the main ideas and conclusions of these documents are very similar. For example, all three describe a very strong increase in the role of states in ensuring information security, and the stable and reliable operation of the internet’s public core is its greatest value,” said Mikhail Anisimov.

The report also noted that the supranational monitoring agencies that are being proposed at the level of the United Nations or the European Union enjoy the greatest trust. In addition, there have recently been many new cyber threats, the struggle against which all people and all states should be concerned. This includes the protection of personal data, the fight against socially dangerous content (cyberbullying, calls for suicide, etc.), attacks on the Internet of Things devices, etc.

“The main achievement in international cooperation on information security is the very fact that such a process exists. Most countries already understand that the fight against cyber threats and the stable operation of the internet concern each state, and today we need to unite our efforts and negotiate to ensure a safe future,” concluded Mikhail Anisimov.

The meeting was also attended by Head of the Information and Analytical Department of the State Secretariat of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Makarov, Head of the Information Security Department of MTS Andrei Dugin, and project curator of the Foundation for the Development of Public Technologies Yulia Baramzina.

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