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Paris Call is similar to Russian initiatives

On January 31, Infoforum 2019, the largest cybersecurity event in Russia, will open in Moscow. The forum has been held since 2001 and is attended by over 1,500 experts from all the Russian regions and friendly countries annually.

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ will be the partner of the section “Safe Internet and Security of the Global Information Space,” led by Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev. The participants will discuss trends in illegal activities involving the internet and mobile technologies as well as current problems related to establishing an international cybersecurity system, countering terrorism and extremism ideology on the internet, and other topical cyberspace security issues.

Mikhail Anisimov, deputy head of the External Communications Department at the Coordination Center, will speak about the initiative presented by President of France Emmanuel Macron at the global Internet Governance Forum held in Paris in November 2018. The initiative was named the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace.

In his report, International Cooperation in Cybersecurity, Mikhail Anisimov will analyze the Paris Call and compare it to other countries’ similar initiatives. For example, the main principles of the Paris Call mostly coincide with Russia’s initiative on international cooperation in cyberspace adopted at the UN. The Paris Call also has much in common with the Internet Responsible Behavior Code proposed by Russia as well as China’s initiatives calling for expanding the government’s role and cooperation at various platforms.

“In his speech, Macron called for revising governments’ role in sustaining the stable and secure work of the global net, urged responsible behavior on the internet and stressed that governments will play the main role in the process. The president of France presented several initiatives, with projects to prevent malicious cyber activities, to counter intellectual property theft and to develop means to stop the spread of malicious code playing a special role,” Mikhail Anisimov said.

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