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Coordination Center experts speaking in 11 Russian cities

The fall cycle of the 2018 Site Formula seminars has been completed. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ has been taking part in the seminars since 2016, and Coordination Center experts have visited may regions during this time. The Coordination Center’s fall speakers visited 11 Russian cities, including Chelyabinsk, Kaliningrad, Belgorod, Bryansk, Arkhangelsk, Tula, Volgograd, Novokuznetsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sochi and Togliatti.

The 2018 fall sessions included explanations on the latest amendments to legislation. Coordination Center experts discussed the latest responsibilities for trading aggregators and sellers that come into effect on January 1, 2019. Trading aggregators will have to provide information about themselves and sellers; they will be responsible for consumer loss if the information is false or incomplete; and sellers will have to provide aggregators with this information and also put it on their websites. A regulation requires sellers and contractors to be responsible for fulfilling the contract consumers sign with sellers and contractors via an aggregator, for providing low quality goods or services, and for violations when exchanging quality nonfoods for similar products.

“This topic is new for us and for the audience, because these demands have not come into effect yet and many businesspeople don’t known about it or have not given it any thought. This is why we are informing internet businesses about the amendments; and I believe it will be of practical use to many participants at the seminars; it will help them avoid  difficulties,” said the Coordination Center’s Project Manager Tatyana Novikova.

The Coordination Center staff shared information on issues that are most interesting to audiences at Site Formula seminars. “Issues related to “domain and trademark” are of the most interest; we are also often asked what to do if competitors copy content from the website. We receive a bit fewer questions on Federal Law FZ-152. And, of course, many ask about their individual cases, whether or not there are violations. We still receive a few questions about registration, but it is clear that Coordination Center’s explanatory work brings results,” Tatyana Novikova said.

It is noteworthy that some people visit seminars more than once. For example, one visitor who came a second time said a piece of advice he received from a Coordination Center expert during the spring seminar helped him in his business. Thanks to the information he received, he managed to block the website “stolen” by his former administrator.

Questions from the audience and feedback are taken into consideration when preparing the next cycle of the Site Formula. Experts also include updates on legislative amendments and use examples from their legal work in their speeches. Preparations for the 2019 spring season have already begun.

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