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The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ to help develop non-profit sector

On December 18, the 9th Conference of Non-Profit Organizations of Russia kicked off in Moscow involving over 400 representatives from state and local government agencies, non-profit organizations and the mass media. 

President of the Russian National Union of Non-Profit Organizations Alexander Aigistov gave an opening speech. He emphasized the importance of the work and efforts of NPOs in the spreading of useful and socially significant ideas. Continuing the theme, President of the Russian National Congress of Municipalities (RNCM) Viktor Kidyayev suggested directing maximum resources towards the boosting of the non-profit sector, which is now gaining more strength and popularity in Russia than ever before.

After the opening ceremony, the plenary discussion Non-Profit Sector Economy took place. It included a speech by Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev, who highlighted the vast experience that the Coordination Center had accumulated in its 17 years as a non-profit organization. He elaborated on the awareness-raising activities carried out in many Russian regions and on events targeted at Russian internet users, which attract thousands of participants.

Andrey Vorobyev announced that the center has reached an agreement with the National Union of Non-Profit Organizations on holding a series of regional events in 2019. As part of the events, the Coordination Center and domain industry experts will meet with local representatives of NPOs to address their questions. The experts will also outline work principles and discuss the online opportunities for socially-oriented non-profit organizations. The events will help enhance the IT competencies of NPO staff and promote the online outreach of the non-profit sector’s social business initiatives.

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