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Delicious New Year miracle

On 20 December, 50 participants in the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ’s educational project visited the Theater of Taste to see the performance “Seasons.”

The Coordination Center traditionally makes such a New Year miracle happen for the most active participants in the Explore the Internet & Govern it! and IT Marathon educational projects as well as for the winners of the DOT Journalism: Young Correspondents contest.

It is the third year running that such an event has been held on the eve of winter holidays: in 2016, a cinema screening was organized and in 2017, a tour to the scientific town of Troitsk.

“Next year has been declared the Year of Theater, and we decided to organize an event with a relevant theme: in a theater, but not a classic one, instead, a creative one. The performance “Seasons” at the Theater of Taste is the best suited for this: it is a story about love and family values, told with help from music by Antonio Vivaldi, nuances of light and products which the characters use to cook food on stage. All these elements create a magical atmosphere, filled with sound, aromas, and light; and the audience soaks in the New Year mood. And this is exactly what we want to give our children,” said the Coordination Center’s Social Project Manager Viktoria Bunchuk.

After the performance, the participants had tea and an interesting conversation with the director and actors. In addition, they got another surprise: New Year gifts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ – nice souvenirs and the Scrabble word game.

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