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333 domain names blocked in November

In November 2018, registrars received 334 requests from competent agencies to cancel the delegation of domain names, according to these agencies’ performance report for November 2018. An analysis of the malicious activity detected during the month linked most of the reported domain names to phishing (277 requests), followed by malware distribution resources (56 requests) and botnet controllers (1 request).

In November, 333 domain names were removed from delegation. One domain name avoided cancellation after its administrator quickly rectified the problem.

Today, 312 domain names remain blocked. In 21 cases, delegation was restored following requests from the concerned competent agencies (after the reasons for blocking them were resolved).

In 2012, the Coordination Center for TLD.RU/.РФ started working with agencies that are competent in identifying online violations. These companies provide the Coordination Center and accredited domain name registrars with data on resources with illegal content, cases of phishing, unauthorized access to information systems and the spread of malware in the.RU and .РФ zones. Registrars have the right to stop the delegation of domain names for these resources.

Today, nine competent agencies – the Safe Internet League, Group IB, Kaspersky Lab, RU-CERT, the Regional Internet Technologies Public Center (ROCIT), the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), BIZON, the Bank of Russia and Dr. Web – cooperate with the Coordination Center. Any network user can report the misuse of domain names by calling the hotline of any of these agencies, which will take action immediately. A detailed description of the request-processing procedure is contained in the 2017 performance report of the competent agencies, posted on the website of the Coordination Center for TLD.RU/.РФ.

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