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Cooperation is necessary for the further development of the internet

December 5, the second day of the EE DNS FORUM 2018 – Policy Day – continued with the panel session  “Transborder effects of national legislation.” This part was attended by experts on developing international policies and practicing lawyers who discussed how national legislations and the recent initiatives, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), impact the process of drafting international policies in the area of governing the system of internet addresses.

The session’s moderator Mikhail Yakushev (Vympelcom) suggested the participants should ponder over how international domain rules complied with national legislations and what is to be done if they contradict each other. David Conrad from ICANN explained that ICANN policies are developed considering the fact that they will be used all over the world. In addition, if ICANN demands are found to contradict national legislation, ICANN usually makes concessions and crosses such demands out of its regulations. Karen Kazaryan, RAEC, described how the internet and domain laws are used practically on the example of C.L.O.U.D., a US law adopted in June.

After that, Denis Lukash of Roskomsvoboda noted that it was necessary to strengthen the influence by independent organizations, above all, on shaping ICANN policies and amendments to the local legislation. Yury Kargapolov of UANIC proposed organizing work with personal data by establishing national competence centers united in the transborder multistakeholder network. Alexander Zhuk,, spoke about the rules of domain registration in use in Belarus, and it turned out that the Belarusian registries had quite strict demands for administrators. For example, in Belarus domain names can only be registered for use, and if there is no content (not even a card) in a domain, it may be taken away. Registration of domains of the third and higher levels is also mandatory, and if the domain name of the lowest level is not registered, the 2nd level domain may also be deleted.

Sergey Kopylov (Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ) said that blocking illegal and unacceptable content was a global trend, but, unfortunately, the emphasis was not put on the source but on making the market participants filter it. Acquisition of blocked domains on the secondary market was another problem. “Users can buy a popular domain on the secondary market and then find that this domain does not work in most countries. However, in Russia this problem is solved: users cannot buy a constantly blocked .RU or .РФ domain name because it is included in the stop list and it is prohibited to register it. And today we offer other domain zones to use our experience and join the initiative prohibiting the registration of blocked domains,” Sergey Kopylov said.
The session “International cooperation to tackle DNS abuse” united representatives of leading Russian and international cybersecurity expert organizations. The main subject raised was whether it was possible to organize comprehensive international cooperation in cybersecurity and ways to do this. Dmitry Samartsev of Bi.ZONE showed impressive statistic data: “Last year the global economy lost $1 trillion to cybercriminals. And cooperation in cybersecurity will strengthen whether we like it or not, because losses are increasing frighteningly fast. From our side, we can increase the price of entering the internet market for cybercriminals, which will make some of them leave the market: cybercriminals want enrichment above all, and we can break this economy.”

The session participants Alexander Kalinin (Group-IB), Pavel Revenkov (FinCERT), and Eugeny Grigorenko (Kaspersky Lab) spoke about the main trends in VR as well as cooperation levels and opportunities for law enforcement agencies, commercial companies, and international organizations. John Crain from ICANN noted that ICANN did not deal with cybersecurity matters but served as a mediator between different international and national organizations that provided internet security.

“International cooperation can take place at different levels, such as cooperation between states, government and private partnership, and contacts between representatives of businesses and noncommercial organizations. All of them have different mechanisms and different “degree of freedom” as well as different decision-making speed. However, the opinions voiced by the participants today allow us to believe that some global platform will be created in the future where all the participants will be able to exchange information and expertise and coordinate their actions,” concluded the moderator Mikhail Anisimov (Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ).

The EE DNS FORUM 2018 concluded with the session “Regional view on global policy making agenda” held by Alexandra Kulikova, ICANN. All speakers are members of ICANN committees and working groups or participate in various internet corporation programs. They explained how these institutions worked and how regional representatives influenced their work.

Irina Danelia (Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ) who represents the Russian national registry in the ICANN Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO ICANN) described how ccNSO organized cooperation between national domain administrators and ICANN. ccNSO is involved in forming ICANN national domain policy. Danelia is also a member of the ccNSO Committee for Strategic and Operational Planning. The following speakers spoke about their work in ICANN structures: Maxim Alzoba (FAITID) representing gNSO (Generic Names Supporting Organization), in which FAITID participated as the registry for .MOSCOW and .МОСКВА; Dmitry Belyavsky who explained how Whois Review worked (Whois policy check group); Andrey Kolesnikov (Russian Association of Internet of things), a member of the SSAC ICANN consultation committee on internet space security and stability; Kristina Hakobyan (Global AM LLC) who participated in the ICANN Fellowship program for young regional representatives twice; and Danko Jevtovic, ICANN Board Member who described how the board worked in a multistakeholder system and how the mechanism of an authorized community was created.

The participants shared their observations made during their work in ICANN structures. Maxim Alzoba said that awareness of a region’s specifics makes it possible to amend draft documents to make them comply with the national legislation better. Irina Danelia gave recommendations to those who would like to participate in the corporation’s work noting how important fluent English and readiness to sacrifice time for cooperation with colleagues from various countries were.

The third EE DNS FORUM 2018 came to close at this point.

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