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Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Council listens to first results of Digital Region project implementation

On November 28, a regular meeting of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Council took place. The agenda included the results of implementing the projects of the Coordination Center and partner organizations, the center’s 2019 budget and other topics.

The Council members became familiarized with the first results of implementing the Digital Region project. Representatives of the Science and Innovation Directors Club non-commercial partnership and the Internet Development Institute, which are responsible for the Digital Region project, said that 20 Russian regions took part in the pilot project. The regions have already presented 27 digital solutions in seven areas: healthcare, culture, environment, housing and urban environment, labor efficiency and support of employment, education, and state management. The next stage of the project will include open surveying of the Russian regions on the Digital Region platform, publication and regular update of the database of digitization cases, developing typical solutions and roadmaps using the best practices and launching communication services and an educational track. The Council members approved the results of the project and decided to provide further support for it.

In addition, the meeting participants considered and approved the financial, informational and final reports of the Competence Center for Import Substitution in Information and Communication Technology on the implementation of the project “Research of import substitution processes’ influence on security, sustainability and stability of the Russian segment of the internet as part of building the digital economy in Russia.”

The Council approved the Coordination Center’s 2019 budget and action plan. It focused attention on promoting the center’s international cooperation.

Several organizational issues were also discussed at the council meeting.

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