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“Cooperation without borders” develops in domain industry

On the second day of the RIW 2018, experts of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ took part in the section “Countering cybercrime in the digital era and international cooperation” held by Strategic Project Director of the Internet Development Institute Irina Levova and Digital Economy’s Development Director Grigory Gritsai.

Deputy Head of the Coordination Center’s External Communications Department Mikhail Anisimov spoke about how global cyber experts countered internet crimes all over the world and how cooperation between different countries worked. According to him, the development of cooperation in cybersecurity depended on several factors: more expertise is being provided by private companies and crimes have become cross-border: they use distributed infrastructure and a scattered team, so the pieces of the puzzle are located under different jurisdiction, which requires joint efforts to counter cybercrime.

Anisimov noted that, as of today, the domain industry has three basic models of “cooperation without borders.” First, foreign cybercrime experts and Russian registries can cooperate via competent organizations and institutes created by the Coordination Center: a model the center is working on. Another model is working in the Netoscope project of the Coordination Center, which has all the information about illegal websites available for registries collected and systematized. The third option is a relatively new model when an organization does not gather information about “bad” domains but about registrants, then analyzes it and makes a prognosis about the registrant’s further behavior. The information about potentially malicious registrants is provided to registries that can take preventive measures and even cancel the registration.

“This model is already used by SDF, Canada, and has proven to be good. The Coordination Center studies the experience: we understand that cybercrime has no nationality, so we need close cooperation in cybersecurity,” Mikhail Anisimov said.

Representatives of competent organizations cooperating with the Coordination Center spoke at the section: Kaspersky Lab’s GR and Strategic Project Head Andrey Yarnykh, Group-IB’s Investigation Department Head Sergey Lupanin and BI.ZONE’s Information Security Auditor Artyom Narazetyan. They spoke about how the cybercrimes were investigated, about the latest trends in cybersecurity as well as similarities and differences in the Russian and foreign laws in the sphere.

Additionally, the stand of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ is still open at the RIW 2018. The accredited registries presented at the stand will describe the services they provide, hold interesting contests and quizzes and answer questions from visitors. For example, R01 and RU-CENTER offer everyone a chance to play domain pool, where visitors can guess if a domain name is taken or free and win a discount up to 60 percent for registration. REG.RU gives out prizes and presents for correct answers in their large quiz. 101Domain has prepared a special program for those who lead a healthy lifestyle: anyone who can hold the plank position for at least a minute will receive gifts and domain discounts. SaleNames has puzzles and table games for visitors, and FE.RU offers lotto and promo codes for a free domain registration in .RU or .РФ.

Our Stand А2 continues its work today, November 23: come and win your prize!

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