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Twenty years on: Mission possible

Participants in the 63rd ICANN Public Meeting again discussed the 20th anniversary of the corporation and the path it has followed together with all the players on the global domain market. Although the official anniversary was marked a month ago, on September 18, the conference hosted events to celebrate the date. ICANN63 participants marked the corporation’s contribution to the development of the internet and the achievement of fruitful cooperation between top level domain registries.

“International activity plays a major role in the work of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the cooperation with ICANN is an important part of this work. One of our priorities is to collect and incorporate the best practices of the global internet community and to represent the stance of the Russian IT community abroad. Our cooperation is extremely multifaceted: we take part in ICANN events and ICANN representatives gladly attend our conferences. The Coordination Center has repeatedly hosted ICANN events in Russia. For instance, on December 4-5, Moscow will host the EE DNS Forum, to which we invite you all,” said Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev.

Our colleagues from East European registries appreciate the partnership with ICANN. So, Sergey Povalishev from said that the partnership with ICANN was linked to the very interesting years of establishment of the internet in Belarus and then its development. “Together we launched the domain zone .бел, which at the moment is one of the largest Cyrillic domains. Together we formed the culture of inter-sector dialogue on internet issues in the country. As a result, three years ago, with the support of ICANN, Belarus held its first Internet Governance Forum. It is now the key event in the Bynet: its offline audience alone amounts to 500 people. We are happy to have the opportunity to be involved in the shaping of a global policy for domain development. Due to our partnership with ICANN, Belarus has a voice in high level decision-making. By the way, we have more than business relations with ICANN. During the implementation of joint projects we have developed real friendships,” Sergey Povalishev said.

Dmitry Kokhmanyuk from agreed: “We have cooperated with ICANN for many years. This includes taking part in events and working groups devoted to the Cyrillic domain names of ccNSO, installing three root name servers, monitoring the generation of DNSSEC keys, signing accountability framework documents at a meeting in Singapore…you name it.  We can say that participation in the life of the domain industry means participation in the ICANN community.”

“ICANN has managed to create an international platform and involve all interested parties in working out a development program. One of the most important results achieved by ICANN is the preservation of a united, undivided internet,” said Grigory Sagiyan from ISOC Armenia. The head of Armenia’s national registry emphasized that the country’s cooperation with ICANN at the state level is outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding, signed by the CEO of ICANN and the Armenian Minister of Transport and Communications, who is a member of GAC. Sagiyan also highlighted the support that ICANN has provided to the annual conferences on internet governance that have been held in the republic since 2014.

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