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ICANN63 kicks off in Barcelona

The ICANN63 Meeting kicked off in Barcelona, bringing together more than 3,000 participants from 140 countries. The delegation of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU /.РФ is taking part in the conference.

Göran Marby, ICANN President and CEO, spoke about ICANN’s priorities at the ICANN63 opening ceremony. In particular, a significant part of the ICANN president’s speech was devoted to the recent KSK roll-over. He also addressed the corporation’s budget issue and new challenges in creating policies to regulate the relationship between various parties in connection with the increasing role of governments, citing the example of the GDPR. Göran Marby congratulated everyone on the 20th anniversary of ICANN and recalled the main milestones in the history of the corporation, noting people who worked there throughout this period.

Francisco Polo, Spain’s Secretary of State for Digital Advancement, welcomed the meeting participants, saying: “A domain name is the basis of the internet. The global network creates millions of opportunities for all of us, and I’m glad that the ICANN regular meeting is being held in Barcelona, one of the most digitalized cities in the world.”

On October 21, the third Russian-language strategy outlook session, devoted to the corporation’s policy issues in the CIS, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, took place on the sidelines of the meeting. The results of a survey conducted among representatives of the region in the run-up to ICANN63 were presented. The survey participants listed areas in which they believe ICANN should concentrate its efforts first and foremost. Responses included holding technical training sessions, participating in initiatives related to internet governance, and providing advisory assistance in the development of policies and various regulatory documents.

In addition, the participants made comments and suggestions on the ICANN strategy in the region. Mikhail Anisimov, Deputy Head of the External Communications Department at the Coordination Center, drew attention to the fact that the ICANN strategy lists the corporation’s tasks in the region, but they should be made more measurable. “An exact idea of ​​the result that we all want to achieve will make the document sound less declarative and help all the participants better adjust their plans and more clearly evaluate the results of their own efforts,” said Mikhail Anisimov.

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