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530 domain names blocked in September

According to the recent criminal activity analysis, most of the reported domains were used to spread malicious software (they have a total of 308 complaints). Domains used for phishing (257 complaints) and botnet controllers (2 complaints) came second and third, respectively.

In the period under review, delegation of a total of 541 domain names was cancelled following the complaints filed by relevant organizations; seven domain names avoided blockage as their administrators promptly dealt with the cause of the complaints. In the case of 19 domain names, the registrars found no substantial grounds to cancel the delegation or to start a domain name administrator inspection.

As of today, a total of 530 domain names remain blocked. The other 11 domain names have restored their delegation on the appeal of the corresponding competent organization following the removal of the reason for their blocking.

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ began to cooperate with organizations that work with violations on the Internet in 2012. These companies provide the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and accredited registrars with information on malicious websites, phishing sources, unsanctioned access to information systems and the spread of malware through the .RU and .РФ domain names. Registrars have the right to cancel the delegation of such websites.

Today, a total of nine organizations are cooperating with the Coordination Center: namely, the Safe Internet League, Group-IB, Kaspersky Lab, RU-CERT, ROCIT, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), BIZon, the Bank of Russia and Dr. Web. Any internet user can report malicious domain names via these companies’ hotlines, so that they can take measures immediately. The request processing details are included in the 2017 report on the results of responsible organizations’ activities published on the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ website

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