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Call for applications for 2018 DOT-Journalism contest to close on October 1

The countdown to the end of the call for applications for the 6th annual DOT-Journalism contest for journalists writing about domains and other internet addressing systems has already begun; the closing date is October 1. The results will be announced between November 21 and 23, during the 11th Russian Internet Week. The winners will be awarded certificates and valuable prizes. The list of material eligible for submission includes articles, analytical material, reviews, interviews, video- and radio reports published between January and October, 2018, and created by either one person or in collaborations.

So far, a total of over 150 entries have already been proven eligible to be included in the contest. Most of them (over 100) are competing in categories for professional journalists, with about 60 competing in the Young Correspondents category established specifically for young reporters under the age of 18, who cover internet technology in the school and city media.

The list of companies represented by the participants includes federal, regional, industry-specific and even foreign media: RBK Group, Kommersant and Izvestiya newspapers, Vesti.Finance, Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper, RIA Novosti, Vzglyad newspaper, Vedomosti daily, Profil weekly, CNews, ComNews, TJ, CHEEP, PCweek, NAG.RU (Yekaterinburg), SPB-IT, Ryazanskiye Vedomosti newspaper, CrimeaInform news agency, IrCity, ASIA-Plus (Tajikistan), the National State Television and Radio Company of the Republic of Belarus (Belteleradio), InformBURO (Kazakhstan), and many others.

To learn more about the terms of participation in the 2018 DOT-Journalism contest, read the regulations’ section of the website.

To apply, submit your application online on the contest’s website. The closing date  is October 1, 2018.

The list of the contest’s jury includes heads of press services in organizations involved in the domain industry, as well as professional journalists specializing in the sphere of internet technology. In case any other journalist work that was not submitted for participation meets the contest criteria, the jury members can nominate it by filling out a special form on the website.

The DOT-Journalism contest has been held by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Smart Internet Foundation with the support of the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC) since 2013. The contest encourages journalists covering domain industry trends, phenomena and key events relating to the use of DNS and other internet addressing systems in their articles and analytical material, as well as video and radio reports.

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