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Teaching legacy and modern education in the information society

On September 12, the Russian Civic Chamber held a national conference on family education and parenting in the information society. The Vasyl Sukhomlynsky: Research and Teaching Legacy and Modern Education conference was organized by the Russian Ministry of Education and the National Parent Association, with the support of the Russian Academy of Education and the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

The event brought together representatives of secondary school education and preschools, higher educational institutions, as well as public, research and scientific organizations involved in family matters, education and parenting psychology.

Tatyana Novikova, Project Manager at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, presented the organization’s social and educational projects aimed at improving digital literacy for those new to the internet, and the competent and ethical use of information and communication technology.

Specifically, Tatyana Novikova spoke about the “Study the Internet, Govern It!” project that helps children and teenagers to learn the basics of the internet and various online services, as well as advising on how to protect themselves, their devices and their personal data when using information technology. The interactive project consists of an educational portal, a practice mobile app, quizzes, a series of local IT tournaments and the “Study the Internet, Govern It!” national online championship held annually in November. Registration for this year’s championship is open until November 5.

“The impact of the national conference can be conveyed in the words of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky himself. The great Soviet teaching innovator said that, firstly, “a child’s family is his source of social experience. If we want to bring up a generation with healthy morals, the whole world must play a part,” Tatyana Novikova commented. “And secondly, “it is inconceivable that education can be in the least degree efficient without a without a system of parent awareness and improved parenting culture.” For my part, I want to add that teachers and parents must remember that information technology and the internet are an inseparable part of our children’s lives and their natural environment. This is progress and it is impossible to stop or suppress it. However, we must by all means teach kids to use it responsibly, safely and for good purposes.”

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