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Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ publishes new edition of An Introduction to Internet Governance

Jovan Kurbalija’s An Introduction to Internet Governance was first published in Russian back in 2010 with the publication initiated, sponsored and promoted by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. The release was timed to coincide with the first 2010 Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF 2010).

At the time, the Russian audience was treated to the third edition of An Introduction to Internet Governance, which turned out to be such a success among diverse online users that the publisher had to order two additional runs for the print version.

The book presents an exhaustive overview of the main questions and actors involved in internet governance. Written in a simple and easy-to-understand language for a broad audience, and accompanied by illustrations and charts, the book covers technical, legal, economic, social, cultural and human rights aspects of internet governance, as well as security and development matters.

In 2018, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ decided to publish the new version of the book by translating the seventh edition of the DiploFoundation bestseller. The book is almost twice the size of the third edition, in order to cover the latest developments in internet governance, and describe topics and developments that no one could even imagine back in 2010. The online version of the book is already available to all internet users. The print version will be released in November 2018 and distributed at various industry conferences and online community forums.

“The previous Russian edition was especially popular among journalists, students, officials and lawyers, and everyone involved in regulating interaction arising from the use of the internet. Jovan Kurbalija’s new book presents a reader-friendly overview of the wide range of existing approaches to internet governance, with details on how the opinions of various stakeholders are taken into consideration and an insight into the roles of the main international actors. We are confident that this easy-to-read and well-structured volume will be of great help to anyone interested in internet governance,” Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Andrey Vorobyev, said.

A free e-copy of Jovan Kurbalija’s book is available for download from our website (link), and the print version will be distributed at major Russian and international events, at the stand of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

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