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345 domain names blocked in July

In July 2018, competent organizations asked registrars to remove 379 domain names from delegation.

In the reporting period, domain names associated with phishing (195 requests) topped the list. Then come domain names connected with the spread of malicious software (125 requests), financial fraud domains (34 requests), botnet controllers (16 requests) and resources featuring pornographic materials with minors (9 requests).

As a result, during the reporting period, 364 domain names were removed from delegation at the request of competent organizations. Fifteen domain names were not removed either because of action by their administrators or because they were blocked by hosting providers.

As of now, 345 domain names remain blocked. In 19 cases, the delegation was reinstated at the request of the relevant competent organization after the reason for blocking was eliminated.

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ introduced the practice of interacting with organizations competent in determining internet violations in 2012. These organizations are companies that provide the Coordination Center and accredited domain name registrars with information about resources with illegal content, cases of phishing, illegal access to information systems and the spread of malicious programs using domain names in the .РФ and .RU zones. Registrars have the right to remove such resources from delegation.

Today, nine competent organizations cooperate with the Coordination Center: the Safe Internet League, Group-IB, Kaspersky Lab, RU-CERT, ROCIT, Roskomnadzor, Bizon LLC, the Bank of Russia and Doctor Web. Any internet user can report a cyber threat to the hotline of any of these organizations, and the relevant measures will be taken immediately. Detailed information about how such requests are processed can be found in the annual report on the activity of competent organizations for 2017, published on the website of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

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