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The main topic of RIGF 2018 is cybersecurity

Ninth Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF 2018) will take place on 6th April 2018 in Saint Petersburg. Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ with the support of the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications organizes the Forum. ICANN, ISOC, RIPE NCC, APTLD are Forum’s partners, while Kaspersky Lab is the cybersecurity partner.

The main topic of the Forum 2018 will be cybersecurity in all aspects of its manifestation. Guests and speakers of the event will discuss new challenges of information security, which the participants of the Internet governance process face. They will share their experience and talk about different ways of how to respond to a variety of cyberthreats -from international cybercrime to fake news. By the way, the first working session of the forum is called “Fake News: How the False Agenda is Formed”. Anton Anisimov (International News Agency Russia Today), Roberto Gaetano (Public Internet Registry), Vladimir Todorov ( and other experts will be speakers. Participants of the session – representatives of the leading mass media, researchers of information culture as well as Russian and foreign specialists that develop information policy – will discuss how fake news appear, are spread and why, and most importantly – what to do with it.

On the “Cybersecurity: together or apart” session the speakers are Wolfgang Kleinwaechter (University of Aarhus), Li Yan (CUCIR), Chris Buckridge (RIPE NCC). They will invite attendees of the Forum to talk frankly about how to find balance between the desire of states to obtain digital sovereignty and create their own cyber forces and the necessity to coordinate efforts from all over the world to fight electronic terrorism and international cybercrime.

Representatives of the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) from Russia as well as Asia and Europe will come together at the “In case of emergency” session to talk about the prospects of CERT in the world and about the new challenges that they face.

The session “On the eve of Skynet” is dedicated to discussion of the development path of artificial intelligence and how it can be used to fight threats or detect external attacks. Representatives of the largest international companies that work in the field of artificial intelligence will describe where it is used at the moment and how will its use be expanded as well as whether we should fear the rise of the machines.

Winners of the IP&IT Law competition will be awarded during the Forum as well. The competition was organized by the IP CLUB and the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ with the support of the State Duma Committee on Informational Policy, Information Technology, and Communications. It’s the third edition of the competition this year and students, post-graduate and young researchers from different regions of Russia and other countries presented their work in the field of Internet law and information technologies to the jury.

Detailed program of the event is available at the Forum’s website.

Participation in RIGF 2018 is free, but pre-registration is required.

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