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Internet governance leaves much room for interpretation

On May 16, the 2nd IGF.BY national internet governance forum took place in Minsk bringing together leading experts on internet governance, government officials, international organizations and internet businesses.

APTLD Executive Director Leonid Todorov moderated the plenary session “Internet Governance: Trends and Reality” during which experts discussed current trends in internet governance and new challenges that concern all parties.

Speaking at the session, Andrey Vorobyev, director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, noted: “The working definition of internet governance leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Each of the participants interprets it to its own advantage. Therefore, it is important to engage all interested parties in the internet governance. At the recent IGF in Russia, we focused on a particular aspect of this work which is involvement of young people and students in increasing information literacy.”

During the forum, Mikhail Anisimov, deputy director of the Information Department at CCTLD, held a session on cybersecurity. The topic of the session, cybersecurity of the future, was quite broad. Participants discussed what threats the internet community may have to deal with in the next few years and what should be done to prevent them.

“The session participants made an effort to outline the future of information security in the context of rapidly emerging completely new types of threats. It is particularly valuable that we could discuss both global initiatives that affect everyone and local issues only occurring in certain countries and regions,” Anisimov said.

At the session “Regional Problematics of Internet Development: Legal Aspects,” Sergei Kopylov, deputy director and head of the Legal Department at CCTLD, spoke about Russia’s experience of self-regulation and close cooperation with the business community, the government and NGOs for the purpose of fighting malicious websites.

The IGF.BY also covered the issues of information security, e-government, the Internet of Things, protection of personal data and many other things as well. The forum was organized with the support of ICANN and RIPE NCC as part of a global series of internet governance forums under the auspices of the United Nations.

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