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Happy birthday .РФ domain!

On May 12, 2017, the domain .РФ turned seven years old. Exactly seven years ago, the .РФ domain was delegated to Russia. Today, the national Cyrillic domain .РФ is the most successful IDN domain and the largest Cyrillic domain zone in the world.

As many as 902,593 domain names are currently registered in .РФ, up 2.5% from last year, with 81% of domain names registered by individuals and 19% by companies. Registration in this domain zone is provided by 45 accredited registrars.

There are 88% of delegated domain names in .РФ, up 2% from last year. Websites are hosted on 32% of domain names, and another 13% of second-level domains are used for redirection. More than 34% of domain names have existed for four years or more.

“The .РФ domain is showing growth every year. Russians have gotten used to Cyrillic domain names; names in Cyrillic script have become common. Interestingly, the distribution of domains by age almost coincides with the .RU domain – in both Russian domains, domains older than four years account for 34%. That is, here we can already say that .РФ has reached stability and has become absolutely equal with the .RU Russian national domain. I thank everyone who is working with us to develop the .РФ domain, to ensure its security and reliability. Happy birthday, .РФ!” said Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrei Vorobyev.

Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (PGLU) will host a series of festivities for the Cyrillic domain’s birthday next week. The participants of a roundtable, entitled “The .РФ national domain: Seven years of Cyrillic on the Internet, achievements and prospects,” will discuss the role of Cyrillic domains in preserving the status of Russian as the language of interethnic communication. Representatives of Cyrillic domain registries, prominent specialists in Russian philology and students of linguistics and internet technologies will gather in Pyatigorsk.

Statistical data provided by the project

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