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Yekaterina Rudykh elected chair of Coordination Center Council

On October 27, 2016 the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Council held a regular meeting. One of the first items on the Council’s agenda was the election of the Council chair. Director of the Internet Development Institute Yekaterina Rudykh was elected chair. She was nominated by the Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media and was unanimously supported by all council members.

The Council also approved a new version of Audit Committee Regulations that were brought into compliance with the new version of the Coordination Center’s Articles of Association. The Council also decided to continue to work on the regulations on the stabilization fund, taking into account the objections and proposals discussed during the meeting.

A spirited debate was prompted by the proposal to set up a special domain name registrar for government bodies and state-owned companies. Members of the Council were presented a review of foreign experience in reserving and registering domains for state needs, as well as possible ways to create a special registrar in the .RU and .РФ domains. The Council instructed the Coordination Center directorate to discuss the proposals with the founders of the Coordination Center.

Participants in the meeting also discussed the Coordination Center’s Strategic Plan Before 2018 and passed a resolution to set up a working group comprising Council members and representatives of the founders. The group will be tasked with improving this document. “Determining new directions for the Coordination Center is within the competence of the Founder’s General Meeting, therefore it was decided to involve founders’ representatives and experts in the development of the medium-term strategic plan. Based on this document, an operation plan and the budget for 2017 will be developed,” said Coordination Center director Andrey Vorobyev.

Members of the council were also informed about the preparations for the participation of the Coordination Center and representatives from accredited registrars in RIW 2016 and on the participation of the Center in holding the Internet Security Lesson to be held for the third time in all Russian schools on October 25-30, 2016. Following the lesson, a special issue of the Children in the Information Society will be issued. The magazine will be another contribution of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ to the improvement of media literacy in children and teenagers and their cybersecurity in the global network, as well as raising parent and teacher awareness on this issue.

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