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Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ invites one and all to RIW 2016

On November 1-3, the Moscow Expocenter on Krasnaya Presnya will host the Russian Interactive Week (RIW 2016) for the ninth time. Over 20,000 people are expected to attend.

By tradition, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ supports the RIW and has become its official partner this year. The center will host a stand at the exhibition that will be held throughout the RIW. Accredited domain name registrars will work at this stand, using this excellent opportunity to highlight their services, hold events for visitors and pass out souvenirs.

A quiz for school students – Study the Internet, Govern It – will be also held at the stand. Almost 15,000 school students have registered for the Fifth National Online Contest that will be held from October 18 to November 18. The center will present all participants with souvenirs.

On November 1, the first day of RIW 2016, the center will host the now traditional panel on the Netoscope project for participants of this research project and cyber security experts. They will discuss measures to counter cybercrime and illegal content and ensure information security in the RuNet, describe their achievements during the past year and share their observations, conclusions and experience.

Following the panel, the center will sign an agreement on cooperation in countering cyber violations with BIZon, a company that deals with fishing and identifies websites that violate information security laws in the financial sector. In August BIZon joined participants in Netoscope’s research and technical cooperation and now it will also cooperate with the center.

At 4 pm on November 2, the center will host an award ceremony for the winners of the contest Dot Journalism in the RIW press center. The center held the contest with the support of the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC) to encourage journalists that provide multimedia coverage of events and trends in the domain industry. Another goal of the contest is to promote domain issues among internet users. This time journalists from Moscow, the Moscow Region and other Russian cities took part in it. Awards in seven nominations will be presented to journalists by decision of the contest’s jury.

“The RIW is probably the largest sectoral event that is attended both by internet and IT professionals and ordinary users. At the RIW we all get an opportunity to communicate with others who use the internet in their life and work. They may be dealing with things that are far removed from the internet but cannot imagine themselves without it. Our stand offers an excellent opportunity for registrars to offer their services to potential clients and learn more about what they need and want. The Dot Journalism contest is a way for us to thank those journalists that are promoting domain names alongside us, and who know well this specialized and fairly complicated topic. So we invite everyone to RIW 2016. You’ll enjoy it!” said the center’s Director Andrey Vorobyev.

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