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RANS conference participants learn about social projects of Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ

On October 12, the 16th Current State and Development Prospects for the Russian Information and Communications Infrastructure international conference opened in Moscow. The event is organized by the Russian Association of Networks and Services (RANS). The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ is its partner. Participants in the conference have discussed the evolution of communications service providers’ business models, the introduction of advanced technologies, the Internet of Things, and other issues. The program featured meetings on current directions of the development of the Russian information and communications infrastructure, the improvement of the relevant legal framework, import substitution and export-oriented strategy.

Denis Zhilin, head of social and educational projects at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, spoke at the session The Development of the Russian Sector of the Internet as Part of Global Information and Communications Infrastructure. He talked about the center’s social projects, in particular about educational work with government bodies, the IP&IT Law national law competition that is held together with Moscow State Law University, and about the Positive Content and DOT-Journalism competitions.

Zhilin also spoke in detail about the competition Learn the Internet and Manage It!, which is being held by the Coordination Center together with Rostelecom for the fifth time. He told session participants about the history of the competition and about its main rules and winners. He also shared experience in holding the competition at international events in foreign countries.

The registration deadline for the fifth national competition Learn the Internet and Manage It! is a few days away. Applications must be submitted on the website of the event before October 17, 2016. The competition will begin on October 18 and conclude on November 18, 2016.

During the two days of the conference, the stand of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ will feature information about the.RU and .РФ domains, as well as the center’s main projects in statistics, cybersecurity and education.

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