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Coordination Center experts discuss the legal aspects of website operation

Almost at the same time, cities of Russia’s west and east, Kaliningrad and Khabarovsk, hosted a conference and a workshop, where representatives of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Mikhail Anisimov and Yevgeny Pankov spoke on the legal aspects related to the functioning of websites and online stores.

On September 22, Mikhail Anisimov spoke at the Website Formula workshop, organized by 1C-Bitrix in Kaliningrad. He touched upon the responsibility of information intermediaries and the circumstances in which online businesses can be designated as such. The speaker focused on pre-court website blocking. Workshop participants learned why websites are occasionally blocked, and how to prevent this. Finally, the speaker provided the audience with some practical advice on working with domain names.

The Coordination Center had already supported the spring cycle of Website Formula workshops in the first six month of 2016 and actively participated in them. The autumn cycle, Website Formula: An Online Store From Idea to First Profit, will be also supported by the Coordination Center. Workshops will take place in 20 Russian cities, many of them involving Coordination Center experts.

Yevgeny Pankov, Coordination Center head for special projects, spoke at the 5th Far Eastern Internet Marketing Conference (DVIK) on September 21-22 in Khabarovsk. He familiarized DVIK participants with the work of competent organizations cooperating with the Coordination Center and spoke in detail about the Netoscope project on information security in the domain area. Also, Yevgeny Pankov shared some real-life examples with the audience. Conference participants learned about domain disputes, the importance of registering a trademark to secure the registered domain, claims from copyright holders, and protective measures when purchasing a domain on a secondary market.

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