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Study the Internet, Govern It comes to Southeast Asia

The 70th conference of the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association (APTLD 70), which took place last week in Bangkok (Thailand), featured a mini competition of the online game, Study the Internet, Govern It. For the first time, the competition was held in English. The Coordination Center had been working on the English translation, and finally, an English-language version was presented at APTLD 70.

The game, Study the Internet, Govern It received good reviews from conference participants and will soon be available for non-Russian-speaking users. Katrina Sataki, ccNSO Chair, snatched a resounding victory in the competition.

The conference also included a marketing session. Denis Zhilin, CCTLD Project Director, was among the speakers. He presented the center’s social projects and spoke about their advantages for brand promotion. Other session participants, including representatives of national registries from Vietnam, Indonesia, Nepal, France, as well as representatives of the .ASIA regional domain registry, also shared their vision of corporate social responsibility that national TLDs bear. They spoke about the specifics of registration in the domain areas of their countries and user identification methods. Registry representatives also covered state support of domain development and unique cases of domain promotion in their regions.

“The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ has good experience in social and educational projects, and we are glad to share it with other registries and show how we win the trust of users. I’m pleased the Study the Internet, Govern It game was well-received by APTLD 70 participants, and that they enjoyed playing. I very much hope that soon we will hold both national and international competitions,” Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev said.

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