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Russia’s national registrar to load school students with work

The Coordination Center has become a partner of the 5th Real Project School competition, where school and university students work on real life projects from big companies. The contest is held from September 2016 to April 2017.

Students are invited to build projects from scratch to complete assignments from prominent companies and organizations from various industries.

The contest aims to help middle to high school students choose a career, familiarize school and university students with a research and project-based work environment, and boost the skills of the teachers who supervise the student projects.

The Coordination Center encourages students to complete one of the following assignments:

  • Develop a game for the Study the Internet, Govern It educational project;
  • Bring the Study the Internet, Govern It educational project fully up to date;
  • Develop a game or a quiz based on the Study the Internet, Govern It project that will promote web literacy in adults.
  • Study the Internet, Govern It is an educational project that the Coordination Center developed specifically for school students. The projects has a game-based learning section that provides information on the Internet, basic IT services, and safe web surfing, and a training app that helps hone students’ newly acquired skills. Students can also take part in the annual national online competition to demonstrate their knowledge of the Internet, become the champions and win prizes.

    “We had a number of reasons for taking part in the Real Project School. First of all, we wanted to get feedback on the Study the Internet, Govern It project from the very people we built it for five years ago, and have since then updated and improved it,” project coordinator Denis Zhilin says. “We had pragmatic reasons, as well. The project should have regular updates, and the kids are enthusiastic, creative and Internet-savvy enough to give us a wealth of unusual and fresh ideas.”

    To help contestants with their projects, the Coordination Center will hold an introductory webinar on September 27. It will also take part in a fair of case studies on October 14, at Moscow State University’ Economics Faculty.

    Details on the Real Project School, its sponsors and participating companies, as well as the list and description of assignments and the timetable of events are available at the contest website.

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