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Two weeks before 2016 DOT Journalism application deadline

The 2016 DOT Journalism annual contest is still accepting entries from journalists writing about domains and other Internet addressing systems. The contest will take place for the fourth time.

Organized by the Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ and with the support of the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC), the contest aims to encourage journalists covering current issues and trends of the modern domain industry in their articles, analytical pieces, videos and radio reports.>/p>

Another important objective of the contest is to promote the domain industry among Internet users.

Applicants may apply until October 1 at here.

The awards will be presented in eight categories:

  • Analyzing .RU/.РФ (best analytical piece)
  • Best Domain Reporter (best series of publications by one author)
  • Inside The Industry (reports on recent events and current issues in the industry)
  • Domains on TV (best TV report)
  • Domains Explained (best radio report)
  • New Generation (best publication by one or several journalists aged 25 and younger)
  • Regions Are Everything (best report in local media)
  • Is There Life Outside Runet? (best Russian-language report published outside Russia)
  • Winners will receive certificates and gadgets that will be very useful in their journalistic work. The awards ceremony will take place on November 1-3 in Moscow during Russian Interactive Week.

    Since its establishment, over 60 journalists have taken part in the contest. They have submitted almost 200 works for judgment. Past winners of the contest include journalists from major national media outlets (Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Novaya Gazeta, RIA Novosti, Voice of Russia, Echo of Moscow, Vesti.RU); regional online media publications from Tatarstan, Dagestan, and the Vladimir, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions; and foreign media outlets from Germany, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

    Feel free to ask questions about the contest at

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