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Rules for registering domain names in the .RU and .РФ domains to be amended

On September 6, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Council held another meeting to consider the proposal to amend the rules for registering domain names in the .RU and .РФ domains, as well as the regulation “On the procedures to be applied in the event of domain name-related disputes" and the regulation "On the procedures to be applied in the event of a one-time transfer of information on a significant number of domain names."

The Coordination Center’s deputy director Irina Danelia said that the need to amend these regulations is dictated by the accumulated practice of implementing the existing rules, the need to outline additional requirements taken from the previously approved new editions of the Accreditation Agreement and Requirements for Accredited Organization, as well as recent appeals to the Coordination Center.

In late April 2018, the center established a working group consisting of representatives of the Coordination Center, the Technical Center of Internet and registrars, Danelia said. The group members discussed the accumulated problems and proposals in detail and formulated possible amendments to the regulations. Many proposed amendments were considered to be impractical or underdeveloped. Draft documents were submitted for consideration by the Registrar Committee and posted on the Coordination Center’s website for public discussion as well.

All amendments are of a selective nature; they do not affect the processes of registration or domain name support, and do not entail revisions or amendments to the existing hierarchy of documents concerning the registration of domain names in the .RU and .РФ domains. The list of new amendments includes the cancellation of the restriction on transferring the right to support the domain name within 30 days from the change of the domain-supporting registrar (clause 6.5 of the rules) and the cancellation of the restriction on transferring the right to manage the domain name within 30 days of the mass transfer (clause 7 of the regulation). The council approved the submitted amendments and instructed the members to notify registrars about the regulatory documents’ entering into force no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days before implementation.

During the meeting, the council also discussed the issue of amending the policy of granting access to the .RU and .РФ domain zone files, and a number of other issues.

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