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GoDaddy achieves record year for reported sales in 2024

TLD Investors has detailed the annual performance of GoDaddy. For consecutive years, GoDaddy has maintained approximately 65 percent of all domain name transactions listed in the reputable NameBio database. The majority of these transactions stem from auctions for domain names whose registrations were not renewed by former owners, where GoDaddy stands as a market leader.

However, the number of transactions conducted by GoDaddy has been on a decline over the past three years: 101,684 in 2022, 98,564 in 2023, and 95,093 in 2024. Despite this trend, the average transaction value has consistently risen: from $556 in 2022 to $612 in 2023, and reaching $743 in 2024. Consequently, 2024 was a record-setting year for GoDaddy in terms of transaction volume, totaling $70.6 million. The top three GoDaddy sales in 2024 included the following domain names: for $224,000, for $200,000, and for $121,000.

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