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Domain investor Sues Former Epic Entities and Its CEO

A lawsuit has been filed in the U.S. District Court in the Western District of Washington against former entities of the Epic - Epic itself, its secure funds escrow service Masterbucks LLC, and the company's former CEO Rob Monster. The lawsuit was filed by domain investor Luigi Marruso. According to Domain Name Wire, he claims that several of his accounts in the company's services contained a total of $1 million, which was never returned to him.

The Epic registry has a rather dubious reputation. It has given shelter to domains of extremist websites that other registrars refused to work with. And a few years ago, the company began to show signs of serious financial problems: it delayed payments to its clients, did not carry out paid registration transactions within the allotted time, etc. Against this background, the founder and head of the company Rob Monster and several other key figures left their posts, and soon the company itself was sold, moreover, to a structure with practically the same name - Epic LLC. The new owners, whose identities are still unknown, paid off most of the debts, and Epic was able to continue working as a registrar. But, apparently, some of the debts remained unpaid.

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