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Slovenia's ccTLD May Follow .AI Suit

The Domains published an interesting material in which it discusses the prospects of the Slovenian national domain .SI to become a new popular destination for investors, essentially changing its meaning. Previously, this path has already been followed, for example, by the national domains of Tuvalu .TV and the British Indian Ocean Territories .IO, and the most recent and striking example is the national domain of Anguilla .AI. Due to the enormous interest in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, it has been experiencing unprecedented growth for many months and remains a constant source of information about very large domain transactions.

The abbreviation SI is, of course, not that popular yet. But it is quite possible that very soon this abbreviation will become as ubiquitous as AI. For example, Ilya Sutskever, founder and former chief scientist of OpenAI (behind the creation of ChatGPT), recently created a new company – and called it Safe Superintelligence Inc. And Microsoft registered the domain name for its voice assistant with artificial intelligence Copilot and acquired

The latest news appeared late last week and seems to have sounded like the starting gun for some domain investors. There are currently 156,365 registered names in the Slovenian national domain. Over the previous month, the number of new registrations amounted to 1,705. And just yesterday - 450. However, in the Namebio database so far you can find information about only 40 transactions with names in .SI, and the largest of them barely exceeds the amount of $4,000. And registration in a domain zone is not cheap - from $70 to $90, depending on the registrar company. But it is quite possible that news of much larger transactions will soon appear, and the cost of registration will not stop the participants in the new domain gold rush.

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