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ccTLDs Discuss ICANN Strategic Plan 2026-2030

ICANN80 held a session to discuss the draft ICANN Strategic Plan 2026-2030. During the meeting, ICANN Board members were invited to present key elements of the proposed plan to the ccTLD community, and country registry representatives provided questions and comments.

The meeting was organized by the ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning Committee (SOPC) and moderated by SOPC Chairman Andreas Musielak (.DE) and his vice-chair Irina Danelia, Deputy Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

The purpose of the meeting was to familiarize country registries with the ongoing process of developing ICANN's strategic plan for the next five years and to receive comments from country code registries and highlight areas of greatest interest.

As a reminder, the SOPC, which has been in existence for almost 16 years, has the authority on behalf of the ccNSO to participate in ICANN's and PTI's strategic and operational planning processes, and can also petition for disapproval of ICANN's and IANA's budgets, strategic and operational plans.

ICANN Board Member Maarten Botterman presented a draft vision of ICANN's strategic goals for 2026-2030, including: supporting and promoting ICANN's multi-stakeholder model, an inclusive Internet governance model, enhancing organizational excellence, collaborating with relevant stakeholders for development of unique Internet identifier systems, as well as strengthening the security of unique identifier systems.

The ccNSO community believes that the comments made during the meeting will be taken into account as part of the further work on ICANN's Strategic Plan, the full draft of which will be released for public comment in July 2024.

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