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Highest Reported Domain Sales Next Edition Published

DN Journal has published the latest edition of its authoritative ranking of the largest domain transactions. The rating is updated every two weeks and includes transactions whose information is publicly available. The current issue brought several notable deals. Its leader was the sale of the domain name for $550,000. The transaction was supported by Larry Fischer, one of the most experienced and successful domain brokers.

The sale of not only became the leader of the current issue, but also currently occupies a very honorable third place in the list of largest transactions since the beginning of this year. In second position is the sale of for $302,670. This deal is also one of the largest since the beginning of the year, currently occupying 7th position. The third place is also worthy of attention: the sale of for $225,000. This deal confidently became the leader of the year in the “others” category. It more than doubles the previous best result, selling for $108,897.

The fourth place went to the representative of the Anguilla national domain .AI, without whose participation not a single issue of ratings of the largest domain transactions has recently been completed. changed hands for $60,000. Fifth place belongs to the deal for the sale of the for $50,000.

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