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Who Can Apply for New Domain for just $40,000?

The second phase of the New Generic Top-Level Domain Program is slowly approaching. It is scheduled for 2026, and already in the Q4 of this year, ICANN expects to begin accepting applications for discounts for participation in the program. The draft rules for these discounts, published by ICANN for public comment, are described by Domain Incite.

To begin with, it is worth remembering that at the first stage of the new domains program in 2012, a similar program was also provided for. It was called the Applicant Support Program (ASP) and provided discounts to applicants from developing countries who sought to launch domains that could be of public importance. However, lack of clarity on the criteria meant that only three applicants took advantage of the ASP program, and only one of them was ultimately found eligible for the program. (Domain Incite sarcastically notes that this lucky bid was led by a businessman who now sits on the ICANN Board.)

This time, an application discount of between 50% and 85% may be available to NGOs, small businesses, and indigenous groups from emerging, transition, and developing countries. small islands and least developed countries. According to Domain Incite, these criteria fit, for example, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China), oil-rich Middle Eastern states (UAE, Saudi Arabia), a number of rich Asian countries (Hong Kong, South Korea) and European countries (Serbia, Montenegro). In total, the list may include up to 177 states.

The requirements of social significance of the domain for which the applicant is applying remain in force. The exact amount that the applicant will have to pay for applying for a new domain at the second stage of the program has not yet been announced. But earlier ICANN representatives said that it could be 270 thousand dollars. Thus, for the lucky ones who manage to get an 85% discount, filing an application will cost only $40,000.

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